2011.05.06. 11:10


Bioeel Triathlon Challenge
July 09 2011
Bioeel Triathlon Grand Prix Round II
Xterra-triathlon competition organized by MASTER SKI&BIKE CLUB with the support of BIOEEL – Medicine and Cosmetics – July 09 2011 .
  Location: Tg.Mures - Sangeorgiu de Mures near Week-End – Recreation Complex.
 The competition consists of:
Swim 1 km, bike 25 km mountain bike terrain and cross running 8 km (click on track link to see the tracks)
 Categories :
§                  amateur boys, age 14-19
§                  amateur girls, age 14-19
§                  amateur boys, age 20- 29
§                  amateur girls, age 20-29
§                  amateur boys  :age 30-39
§                  amateur girls : age 30-39
§                     amateur boys master 1 :age 40-49
§                     amateur boys master 2 :age 50-99
§                  amateur girls master 1 : age 40-99
§                  men’s relay 100 (the age of the three under 100)
§                  men’s relay over 100
§                    Women’s relay open
 Initiation fee: we’ll be back.......
Competitors under 18 can compete only with the written consent of parents.
Each registered competitor will receive an inscribed T-shirt, an energizing bar, an energy drink and a portion of goulash.
The first III places in each category will be awarded, the total value of prizes being: 8000 ron.
  Participation in the contest requires a good physical condition, an appropriate equipment: MTB bicycle, helmet is mandatory, sports shoes for cross, perhaps neoprene outfit (Mures river temperature in July is usually high)
Contact: Klosz Peter 0743-416873 masterskibikeclub@yahoo.com


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